Dallas Commercial Office Space: Make it an Eco-Friendly Business!

More and more business owners are listening to the advice of experts and converting their Dallas commercial office space into an eco-friendly area. Dallas Commercial Office SpaceConsider becoming part of the increasing number of small businesses who want to use energy wisely and turn their commercial office space into one that is ecologically friendly!

Think big, start small and impact the future!

If you are thinking of moving to or renovating your Dallas commercial office space, consider turning that office space ecologically friendly and be a company that helps reduce bad footprints on the environment. Depending on your available budget and priorities, there are several approaches in constructing or renovating a green office space. The decision to do this will have a great impact on your building and the future of this planet!

How to be Ecologically Friendly in Your Dallas Commercial Office Space

Look around your office right now; you will notice that you are surrounded with equipment such as printers, faxes and copiers. Such electronic equipment uses paper and ink; unfortunately too many offices do not take the time to recycle these items. In addition, there are other ways that these machines can be looked at that could make them more energy efficient.

• Paper – Have you heard of the ‘butterfly effect?’ It refers to how a small item or variation can affect much more major things on down the line. There is a ‘butterfly effect’ even with paper usage. Since paper is made from trees, the more paper is used, the more trees must be cut down in the forest and much has been said about the effects of global de-forestation on the environment. As much as possible, lower paper consumption by using e-mail and digital faxes; also, don’t print items when it really isn’t necessary. Importantly, recycle all your paper and use re-cycled paper in your business operation.

• Ink – Refillable ink cartridges, toner cartridges and pens can be wise investments that will actually save you money. You can also consider using soy ink and other less chemically-base inks to prevent toxic chemicals from entering waterways via disposal and landfills.

• Office supplies – Supplies such as pens, pencils, folders, printer paper, notebooks and much more that are produced from recycled materials are available from local office supply companies and online. Using recycled materials helps reduce waste and environmental problems.

• Equipment – At your Dallas commercial office space instead of using several printing and imaging equipment such as printers, copiers, scanners and faxes, use all-in-one printers that have the features mentioned above. By using equipment with multiple functions, there is lesser emission of heat and more energy savings.

• Office lighting – Instead of using incandescent bulbs, consider using fluorescent lamps (CFL) and LED’s. Both are more energy efficient means of lighting and in the long run will save energy and money. Besides, an incandescent bulb produces more heat; has a shorter lifespan; and consumes more energy as compared to CFL’s and LED’s.

There are many ways that you can achieve a green office and those mentioned above are just a few of the things that you can do that will have a big impact on our environment. Actually, many of them can also save you money while you are working on saving the environment. So look closely at your Dallas commercial office space and consider making it more ecologically friendly!